First you are trying to connect with either Spirit, or your higher-self. Spirit is any thing you believe that exists beyond our natural known world and requires faith in its existence. Your Higher self is between your subconscious you and Spirit. This is what you do not know you know , and are not aware of yet. You go past your subconscious and in this area Spirit greets you and talks to you about your questions,
I like to use the idea of depth of vision to try and explain how this works.
Almost everyone can see straight in front of them several hundred feet quite easily even if they need glasses. This is the conscious you. This is everything you are clearly aware of.
Then there is the part of you that you get glimpses of, but the image is never clear. This would be the peripheral you. Things you sense or know, but easily leave your focus.
The subconscious you is that area the is behind you exactly 180degrees. You get a feeling of its presence, but never see it and when you turn around its gone.
Now we are at the Higher Self. This is that part that you get to see when you are just about to fall asleep. This is that time when "epiphanies" tend to occur. If you have ever had a hard time with a project and you decide to "sleep on it" and just as you are about to sleep you get that, Oh My! I know what the answer is, or was. This is the Higher self connecting to your Conscious Self.
OK, so now what?
Well, the easiest way to connect with this "HIGHER SELF" is to meditate, or attempt to take a nap. Keep a notebook ready. Ask a simple What question. What will tomorrow bring? What should I do to help this situation? What direction is my path taking?
Now don't think about that question, instead just allow yourself to relax. Once you are thoroughly relaxed just start writing. Do not think about what you are writing. Just WRITE!
How do I know if I am actually automatically writing?
Well, this may vary from person to person, but many people, including myself, feel a lightening in the hands. An energy that is surreal. Kind of like static electricity. It just flows and makes you feel weightless. Once this occurs you know for sure you are writing without conscious effort.
Now, if you do not experience this, it does not mean you are not using automatic writing. Look at what you have written. Do the words seem to ease any of your stresses? Are they uplifting? Do they sound different in your head? Do you just feel like they are right?
Automatic writing can be any of those things. It can also be so much more. Maybe you will begin to "see" images or "hear" thoughts, or words, or you may "feel" emotions. This process will help you to awaken yourself to your abilities to communicate with Spirit.
There are many level of communication with spirit. Some people only do this for themselves and others are called to use their gifts to help others.
I use my gift to teach others so that they can use their gifts to help themselves. There is a quote that says something about teaching. . .
"Doing something for someone helps them one time, but teaching them how to do something themselves helps them for a lifetime."
I always start my sessions with clients by teaching them what they can do and use to get the same result as coming to me and me giving them the answer. I want to empower my clients, not make them dependent upon me.
The best way to begin automatic writing is to: write. draw, color, cut and paste words, or ideas on a large blank poster board.
And see how it answers your WHAT question.
The next thing is just to keep doing it. No one gets this straight away. We all need practice. Be patient and understanding of yourself and your path. Their are many paths to communicate with Spirit and this is just one!