Reiki is learned through a Master to a Student, but the student already has Reiki; he is just not yet attuned to it.
My personal journey to Reiki is below the explanations and disclaimers!
This is where the debate comes in:
How does a person become attuned to Reiki.
According to student will receive the Reiki Master symbol which will enable her/him to attune themselves to Reiki (clear out the healing channel)."
Yet, some people believe this must be done hands on. This Reiki Master says the same thing and yet, by the admission of the website owned by the Reiki Master above the Symbol will allow the student to attune themselves. I hate double talk!
Also who initiated the first Reiki Master, Mikao Usui, it was said to be done by divine inspiration or enlightenment. He was said to have been on a 21 or so day fast in the mountains. He was said to have travelled to America and received a doctoral degree, but that has been so far unproven, but what he did and does has been proven: the ability to heal.
It does not matter how he obtained the information that is the story of legends, but what does matter was the differences he made and the difference Reiki continues to make in today's fast paced world of go, go, go and money, money, money.
This is another statement tauted by Reiki Masters, "Choose someone who has completed her own financial commitment."
"The Reiki Cash Machine
So - Reiki in itself is NOT a scam. However, many Reiki courses ARE! Reiki has really become a real cash machine: Most Reiki masters teach in three distinct stages, and each stage requires hefty premiums:- Level 1 - Reiki Practitioner: $100-$150
- Level 2 - Advanced Reiki Practitioner: $150-$500
- Level 3 - Reiki Master: $350-$10,000
- These are the prices for Reiki courses. Reiki Healing costs $25-$70 an hour from Reiki practitioners, $50-$120 from Reiki Masters. "
This has been one of the largest issues I have encountered with various masters. This is an elitist view point. That only those who will be able to pay the fees will be able to take the classes. Thankfully this has changed some in recent years, but still blocks out some of the people who would make the best healers. Those who want to do it because they really want to heal and those who want to heal are also often the ones who need to be healed. Because of their own illnesses they often cannot afford to receive Reiki, let alone afford the classes to teach it.
This is where a more correct view of Reiki has come into play. Reiki is needed to heal the world!
"All attunements, in my opinion, whether received from a Reiki Master in person or from a distance, work for the same reason.
Reiki Attunements work through the Reiki Master, but only because the student has already opened herself to her Higher Potential. She has said to herself, 'I am ready to learn Reiki, I am ready to take control of my life, I want to help myself and my family and friends, I am ready to relearn the gift that was given to me when I was born.'"
I will also now quote my own Reiki Master Judith Conroy, " Mikao Usui, the founding father of modern day Reiki, actually attuned himself to Reiki all those years ago!
Which is quite obvious when you really think about it – as there was no-one else there on the mountain to do it for him!
(Yes, some people say a great light came out of the darkness, hit Usui in the forehead and gave him Reiki – and that sounds beautifully mystical doesn’t it? But, it’s just a ‘flight of fancy’ I’m afraid, and it’s not meant to be taken at all seriously).
No, what actually happened was…
Usui went to his favourite meditation spot, totally alone, and after a period of fasting and meditating, he experienced a sudden flash of deep understanding – a Satori if you will…
…about how a particular aspect of the vital life force energy already flowing within him could easily be accessed and used for both healing and accelerating self-realization."
{This is the Ending of the documentation of why I chose this route!}
My Story begins!
So, now that I have shown you what others have said on thier own websites, I would like to talk to you about my attunement!
I was first attuned many years ago now to Reiki I and Reiki II, but because I could not afford the class the teacher let me take the class for personal and family use, but not so that I could do it on others and get paid. Okay, that makes sense. Everyone needs to make money. So, I was fine with that until last spring when I really wanted to start doing Reiki on others and to make money, so I started looking for Reiki Masters.
I am a website developer and I am a multi-talented crafts person, but I have also been unable to work for the past 4 years at a full time job. Living on one income with 3 kids is difficult. I was told by several masters a sacrafice needs to be made, but a giant sacrafice for one versus a minor to no real sacrafice to others seems a bit unfair (elitist). I have offered to barter for my Reiki as well. Since I build websites I figured an awesome website would be a fair exchange. It takes me 200 hours to build a custom website. But, alas most people said it needed to be a monetary exchange and others said they were not interested in a website. I have no issues with that, so I began to look into alternatives.
Online Reiki I, II and III cost between $50 and $500 dollars. There is a website that reviews online Reiki. Click here for that:
The Alternative Road to Reiki
Two years ago I started to look into online Reiki Classes and the theory behind an inperson versus distance attunement. I am a SPIRITUALIST this means I circumscribe to various beliefs that may differ from the Christian view point. I believe in Astral Travel and I sometimes do this. I have been using the Energy of the Universe and Spirit to do hands on healing for years. Since 1996 to be exact. I have been an Emergency Medical Technician because I wanted to help people in a real crisis. I have volunteered at Peer Support Agencies for those who have or might suffer from a mental illness. I have taught meditation since 2006. I have taught Intuitive Tarot since 1995. I was once initiated into Wicca and have since left that practice. So I know what initiation and "hands-on" attunements are all about.
However, it was through Wicca that I learned my greatest lesson, It is not about what you do, or even how you do it, but the intentions behind it!
So, I contacted Judith Conroy of Chikara-Reiki-Do who gives three attunements. One is in her own lineage and two are standard lineage. She teaches Usui Reiki, Tibetan Reiki and Chikara-Reiki-Do which attunes all of the chakras!
An Amazing Attunement
As I have said, I was already attuned to Reiki I and Reiki II with several years of practice. I have read several books on Reiki and I have watched countless videos over the years. I have met my spirit guides before and I work with my animal spirit guides and totems regularly.
I have been developing my spiritual intuitive self extensively for over a year. So, when I got Judith's .pdfs, videos, and online documentation I could not fathom how anyone could say I missed any of the critical information.
What I was not prepared for was my four step attunement!! That is right for my Masters there was four seperate and amazing steps. I did not experience anything close to this in Reiki I or Reiki II!!!! I had my candles, incense, crystals all setup around me. I was warm and comfortable. I was sitting on my floor in lotus position and I was listening to the most beautiful meditation music provided by Judith. She talked me through a guided visual meditation via video and then stepped me through the next 3 phases. The last phase was her doing a complete Usui Reiki Attunement!
Now people might be wondering what I felt and saw and I will describe it now. In the meditation I was more relaxed than I could have imagined. I get anxious waiting in groups and in class rooms. Infact I hate getting massages because I get so nervous, so that was wonderful just being in my very own warm and soft, comfortable space. I was sitting on a meditation cushion. During the first attunement I was filled with a buzzing of electrical energy that seemed to fill every cell of my body. During the second phase I saw my spirit guide standing infront of me. During the third phase I felt my spirit guide's "hand" on my shoulder and attuning me. I felt the energy of his "fire-finger" touching the palms of my hand. That was simply the best.
Other's have seen my Spirit Guide
A few weeks ago one of my Spiritual Intuitive Group Leaders had us do a guided meditation to meet our spirit guides. I was in a pyramid and he was showing me Reiki Symbols. I could not believe it. I told J. the group facilitator, about it. Later at another of her groups we did a candle reading. My spirit guide was clearly defined in that image, Joanne was shocked and amazed.
My spirit guide is truly amazing. It is genderless, but might be considered male. "HE" looks very similar to the picture we see of "Greys" or "Aliens", but it may just be that he is old, bald with large eyes, tall and gangley.
Since My Attunement and the Reason for It!
I have felt more peaceful and at ease. The only stress I have had is comming from other's not accepting my attunement, but the crazy and wonderful thing is when people go looking for a Reiki Practitioner they do not ask where or how you got it. They just want to see and feel proof of your healing energy.
The reason I wanted to learn and use Reiki is because the symbols, while just kanji, when used by many thousands of people with the same intent increase the power and the energy of that symbol thereby increasing the healing energy!!!
Here is a review of the course I took:
Please read, learn and understand before you make any decisions regarding Reiki.
I wish you a blessed day!
Which is quite obvious when you really think about it – as there was no-one else there on the mountain to do it for him!
(Yes, some people say a great light came out of the darkness, hit Usui in the forehead and gave him Reiki – and that sounds beautifully mystical doesn’t it? But, it’s just a ‘flight of fancy’ I’m afraid, and it’s not meant to be taken at all seriously).
No, what actually happened was…
Usui went to his favourite meditation spot, totally alone, and after a period of fasting and meditating, he experienced a sudden flash of deep understanding – a Satori if you will…
…about how a particular aspect of the vital life force energy already flowing within him could easily be accessed and used for both healing and accelerating self-realization."
{This is the Ending of the documentation of why I chose this route!}
My Story begins!
So, now that I have shown you what others have said on thier own websites, I would like to talk to you about my attunement!
I was first attuned many years ago now to Reiki I and Reiki II, but because I could not afford the class the teacher let me take the class for personal and family use, but not so that I could do it on others and get paid. Okay, that makes sense. Everyone needs to make money. So, I was fine with that until last spring when I really wanted to start doing Reiki on others and to make money, so I started looking for Reiki Masters.
I am a website developer and I am a multi-talented crafts person, but I have also been unable to work for the past 4 years at a full time job. Living on one income with 3 kids is difficult. I was told by several masters a sacrafice needs to be made, but a giant sacrafice for one versus a minor to no real sacrafice to others seems a bit unfair (elitist). I have offered to barter for my Reiki as well. Since I build websites I figured an awesome website would be a fair exchange. It takes me 200 hours to build a custom website. But, alas most people said it needed to be a monetary exchange and others said they were not interested in a website. I have no issues with that, so I began to look into alternatives.
Online Reiki I, II and III cost between $50 and $500 dollars. There is a website that reviews online Reiki. Click here for that:
The Alternative Road to Reiki
Two years ago I started to look into online Reiki Classes and the theory behind an inperson versus distance attunement. I am a SPIRITUALIST this means I circumscribe to various beliefs that may differ from the Christian view point. I believe in Astral Travel and I sometimes do this. I have been using the Energy of the Universe and Spirit to do hands on healing for years. Since 1996 to be exact. I have been an Emergency Medical Technician because I wanted to help people in a real crisis. I have volunteered at Peer Support Agencies for those who have or might suffer from a mental illness. I have taught meditation since 2006. I have taught Intuitive Tarot since 1995. I was once initiated into Wicca and have since left that practice. So I know what initiation and "hands-on" attunements are all about.
However, it was through Wicca that I learned my greatest lesson, It is not about what you do, or even how you do it, but the intentions behind it!
So, I contacted Judith Conroy of Chikara-Reiki-Do who gives three attunements. One is in her own lineage and two are standard lineage. She teaches Usui Reiki, Tibetan Reiki and Chikara-Reiki-Do which attunes all of the chakras!
An Amazing Attunement
As I have said, I was already attuned to Reiki I and Reiki II with several years of practice. I have read several books on Reiki and I have watched countless videos over the years. I have met my spirit guides before and I work with my animal spirit guides and totems regularly.
I have been developing my spiritual intuitive self extensively for over a year. So, when I got Judith's .pdfs, videos, and online documentation I could not fathom how anyone could say I missed any of the critical information.
What I was not prepared for was my four step attunement!! That is right for my Masters there was four seperate and amazing steps. I did not experience anything close to this in Reiki I or Reiki II!!!! I had my candles, incense, crystals all setup around me. I was warm and comfortable. I was sitting on my floor in lotus position and I was listening to the most beautiful meditation music provided by Judith. She talked me through a guided visual meditation via video and then stepped me through the next 3 phases. The last phase was her doing a complete Usui Reiki Attunement!
Now people might be wondering what I felt and saw and I will describe it now. In the meditation I was more relaxed than I could have imagined. I get anxious waiting in groups and in class rooms. Infact I hate getting massages because I get so nervous, so that was wonderful just being in my very own warm and soft, comfortable space. I was sitting on a meditation cushion. During the first attunement I was filled with a buzzing of electrical energy that seemed to fill every cell of my body. During the second phase I saw my spirit guide standing infront of me. During the third phase I felt my spirit guide's "hand" on my shoulder and attuning me. I felt the energy of his "fire-finger" touching the palms of my hand. That was simply the best.
Other's have seen my Spirit Guide
A few weeks ago one of my Spiritual Intuitive Group Leaders had us do a guided meditation to meet our spirit guides. I was in a pyramid and he was showing me Reiki Symbols. I could not believe it. I told J. the group facilitator, about it. Later at another of her groups we did a candle reading. My spirit guide was clearly defined in that image, Joanne was shocked and amazed.
My spirit guide is truly amazing. It is genderless, but might be considered male. "HE" looks very similar to the picture we see of "Greys" or "Aliens", but it may just be that he is old, bald with large eyes, tall and gangley.
Since My Attunement and the Reason for It!
I have felt more peaceful and at ease. The only stress I have had is comming from other's not accepting my attunement, but the crazy and wonderful thing is when people go looking for a Reiki Practitioner they do not ask where or how you got it. They just want to see and feel proof of your healing energy.
The reason I wanted to learn and use Reiki is because the symbols, while just kanji, when used by many thousands of people with the same intent increase the power and the energy of that symbol thereby increasing the healing energy!!!
Here is a review of the course I took:
Please read, learn and understand before you make any decisions regarding Reiki.
I wish you a blessed day!