People often ask me how to increase their intuitive skills and it has been at such an increase lately that I have decided to explain how this works.
****NOTE: The images on this blog belong to me and as such I am giving you permission to print them and use them in your private meditative practices.****
What is your initial reaction to the image?
By asking this question you are already Feeling and getting an instinctive impression. Instinct=Intuition!
Do you see any forms in the image? Like shapes in the fire?
Learning to "SEE" things in something else is something all kids do, but for some reason many adults lose this basic ability. The image you formulate is an intuitive image!!
What colors are present?
What do the colors mean to you?
Do they make you feel in a specific way?
Do they bring up other images or ideas?
Colors help form emotions and feelings. A prison avoids the color RED because it can cause the emotion ANGER to rise. They will use YELLOW to increase ENERGY and POSITIVE thinking. GREEN to CALM and quell emotions.
What do these colors mean to you now that you have thought about them more carefully?
Thinking about these helps you understand your interpretation of colors. For me Yellow is a very bad color as it was painted in my bedroom as a child. To this day I hate anything painted yellow!
Why do you think the image was composed in this manner?
Every image has a focal point. This helps determine what the artist is trying to illuminate, and if something that is off to the side catches your eye first or gives you a stronger initial impression, this is the object you should focus on first.
Now, what do you feel?
Your feelings after you have broken down an image helps you to solidify your initial instinctive/intuitive impression.
What additional thoughts come into your own mind?
What additional information do you glean from looking at the image. These thoughts are extremely important and help clarify your initial thoughts!
Now think about a question.....Any question....How does that picture help explain the answer to your question?
If a person asks you a question about a love relationship and you are looking at my tarot alter picture, you might get that there is mystery in the relationship, an unknown, or unforeseen situation. Whereas, if you are looking at the lotus with the music and butterfly you might see a symbiotic relationship: one cannot thrive without the other.
If this were a working relationship question and you are looking at the lotus butterfly and music picture, you might see it as: learn to work out any differences and use teamwork to have a harmonious relationship. Whereas the picture of me with the singing bowl might indicate taking some time out, alone, relaxing and allowing work issues to settle themselves, or for the person to regroup using meditation, and then to tackle the problem once the initial emotions have had time to settle.
So you see, you can really use anything to help develop your intuitive nature!!! Here is a pendulum board: You can also use this image to help figure out questions.
Please look at the images in all of the blogs and using the same question see how each relates to your question!!!
Please look at the images in all of the blogs and using the same question see how each relates to your question!!!
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