Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Our Animals Are Our Friends, Our healers!

Today I was sitting and reflecting about how I use self healing and as I was doing so my cat Caramel came in to sit with me. She is a sweet cat, just like her name. I often use the healing energy from the Great Spirit to help me when I am in pain. Since I have learned Reiki I have used that as well, but nothing can compare to the healing energy we receive from our pets.

You may wonder why and how this works. Well, animals are innocent. They live because we take care of them and in return their love is abundant. When we are sad they will often come over to us lick our faces, put their paws on us and in my kitties case she pats me. Yes, she takes her little paw without any claws and ever so lightly taps me with it. Her purrs remind me of my kids when they were babies. Have you ever heard a baby mew? I have and it is amazing and when my kitty does that it makes me feel such comfort.

Animals also seem to instinctively know when we are in pain and they come over to us to get their pats from us and in return we become distracted from that pain. When they sleep with us, their body heat makes us feel warm and safe. They alert us to people coming to the door. Yes, even kitties do this. Caramel does it because she wants to go out and play and since she is an indoor cat she knows she might get her escape (She is chipped and has all shots just in case!). But in her escape one time she alerted me to her own illness; ,this was when she started eating tea berry leaves and I then learned they were great for upset tummies. So, she taught me an herbal remedy.

Animals also seem to know where our chakra points are. Have you ever noticed that your dog or cat will lay on or rest their paws on certain chakras? My cat loves my heart and third eye. I have chronic bronchitis and because of her placing her paws there I know I feel her healing energy flow through me. On my third eye I can feel her communicating with me. she looks right into my eyes when she does it. At first this was unnerving, but now I know she is talking to me on a subconscious level allowing me to "SEE" her.

What does your dog or kitty do with you and to you?

What quirks do they have when they interact with you?

Learning to listen to their way of speaking can really open up a lot of additional healing avenues for you!

These are their gifts to you and once we all realize their amazing gifts really should treat them like Kings, Queens, Princesses, and knights in shinning armour and give the feasts, love and attention they really do deserve!

To all animal lovers out there I wish you and your pets a long, happy and healthy life.

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