Monday, October 24, 2011

How to Meditate

The first thing to realize is that there is no right or wrong type of meditation.

Anything you do that allows you to take notice is meditation. This can be just following the breath, or thinking about each step to making that first cup of coffee in the morning.

The major focus of meditation is learning to breathe.

Breathing is a key element in any meditation and cannot be emphasized enough. Breathing properly requires proper body positioning. Remember when your grandmother, or mother would say, “Don’t slouch”, and “sit up straight”, well this was to prevent back problems, but it also allowed for proper air flow in and out of the diaphragm.They might not have realized it back then, but they really were helping you to get better air movement and circulation.

So, in this first meditation you are literally going to follow your breath.

NOTE: If you like soft music, candles, incense you can set these up now. You can be sitting or lying on a yoga mat, in a comfy chair, or relaxing in or on anything you like. The most important piece is to make sure your breathing feels easier in that position.

1.) Take a slow deep breath in through your nose and hold for a second and slowly letting it out.
2.) On the next breath in breathe in for 3 seconds hold for 4 seconds and breathe out for 5 or 6 seconds.
3.) Then on the next cycle notice how breathing in for 3 seems to be expanding your lungs more fully.
4.) Repeat, Slowly in for 3 seconds, hold for 4 or 5 seconds and let out slowly for 5 or six seconds.
5.) Repeat line 4 for as long as you can or want.

You can follow your breath for as long as you like just notice the air going in and what it feels like holding in that air and then slowly letting the air out.

You now know how to do a simple meditation.

I mentioned making coffee can be meditation and you may be wondering how that is possible. When you go to make the coffee. . . 
What is the very first thing you do? Pick up the decanter?
What do you do next? Turn on the faucet? Turn on the device?
Then what do you do? Measure the coffee? Pick out a flavor?

It does not matter what you focus on!

Taking notice of each step and only thinking about these steps causes you to start to change your brainwave patterns and is actually allowing you to enter a light meditative state. The more deeply connected and the longer you spend in this focused pattern will allow you to enter deeper and deeper states.

However, please realize that anything can and will bring you out of this state like a phone ringing, or a child crying and it will not harm you to be jolted like this you just may not feel as relaxed afterwards. It is always best to meditate where and when you will have as few of these distractions as possible.

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