Friday, October 21, 2011

Why Meditation and Divination

Some people wonder why I have my business as Wind's Song Meditation and Divination and further question their relationship. Here is my answer to these questions.

NOTE: I will use God in this text, and for me it means the Great One, The Spirit. It can be any God or Gods. Please do not judge this blog on this one word because GOD is greater than everything and no one word really sums up the energy that creates this Supreme Force. I will also be talking about things that you may find offensive to your religious beliefs and I would never want to impede on them, so please stop reading this now if you believe that "seer's" "intuitive's" or other metaphysical concepts are the work of an evil being.

Meditation is more than sitting still with or without music and ambiance. It is about connecting with our "inner" and our "spiritual"  and our "outer" self. In meditation we connect on all of these levels at once. We connect with the Great All, Spirit, God, or whatever you call the higher energy that surrounds and exits without bounds.

There is a special greeting used in some meditation practices. This greeting is: Namaste and means (roughly translated) "The Spirit within me greets The Spirit within you." This is more than a nice greeting it is literally like touching someones soul. Have you eve said Namaste to someone? If not ,I would highly suggest it. You will see the difference it makes in the other person, even if they don't fully understand the meaning themselves.

So, we have talked about our beings and our Spiritual Beings as being one. Now where does God, or the Great Spirit, fit into all of this. God, is more than a name. It is more than a being. It is a connectedness of all things living and dead.

Now that we have seen the God and Meditation connection we will now introduce the divination connection. Divination comes from "to divine". To speak with the God and receive answers. There are many misconceptions regarding the practice of divination, like communing with the devil. This is a common misconception.

When I use the tarot to help me explain what I am already feeling and seeing it is the Great Spirit guiding the querent (person seeking an answer to a question) to the cards that will show where the blocks on their path are and where they are getting extra support. When I use a dowsing tool like a pendulum it is The Spirit working through me to guide the pendulum to the correct answer.

Oracles are like the tarot, but are for  more pointed questions with a real destination in mind not just for a general reading. These also deal with more of the psychological aspects that the querent is facing.

Again we come back to meditation because in meditation we can deal with and heal from some of these psychological issues. I walk people through how to journal before and after a meditative session.

In my monthly meditation and healing groups we deal with all these connected aspects and further explore how they affect our daily lives. The biggest thing to remember is without meditation their is no divination because we need to connect to "all" ourselves and to the Great Spirit.

The next thing to remember the answers are not without, but within we just need to learn how to unlock the doors to the answers!


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