Meditation with intent means that you are making a conscious decision to meditate and you may even have a specific purpose. This purpose could be just to take a clear and defined time out for yourself or it could be that you are meditating to work on some issue like Mindfulness Meditation or Loving Kindness Meditation.
If you are trying to work on an issue of any kind of meditation then a meditation journal could be extremely beneficial. By keeping track of what you feel before, any thoughts that creep in during, and what you are feeling after the meditation can help you further focus your meditations.
A journal does not need to be expensive nor fancy. It can be any notebook or even just pieces of paper clipped together. The important thing to a journal is to keep track of the order. Using dates is the best way to do this.
There are two templates listed here:
This is the first template for each day you meditate until the last time for the month and then you repeat it for the next month.
Meditation Journal
What do you hope will change over the course of the month?
Initial feeling and emotions prior to meditation:
Ideas thoughts and emotions that came up during meditation:
Post meditation feelings and emotions:
This is the second template:
Meditation Journal
Last meditation of the month:
How has your meditation practice progressed over the past month?
Do you feel like the meditation sessions are helping you? Yes / No
If yes, how are they working for you?
If yes, how are they working for you?
If no, why do you think it is not working?
Initial feeling and emotions prior to meditation:
Ideas thoughts and emotions that came up during meditation:
Post meditation feelings and emotions:
Do you feel like you are able to more easily enter the meditative state?
Now review all past meditation journal entries and look for patterns and make a note of what has gotten better for you and which things still need to be worked on and addressed.
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